17. Juli 2019
Cringe facts about GERMAN MORGZ explained by GERMANS
Dear Internet! We are sorry that German YouTuber Fatih Brate has stolen a lot of english video made by Morgz. A lot of you wanted to know who this guy axactly is. We collected a few facts about Fatih Brate our german Morgz and we want to apologize.
offen un' ehrlich
Hi, wir sind offen un' ehrlich und wir springen für euch auf den Hype-Train, immer auf der Suche nach den neuesten Trends und Fakes.
17. Juli 2019
Cringe facts about GERMAN MORGZ explained by GERMANS
Dear Internet! We are sorry that German YouTuber Fatih Brate has stolen a lot of english video made by Morgz. A lot of you wanted to know who this guy axactly is. We collected a few facts about Fatih Brate our german Morgz and we want to apologize.
457 Videos